Resource Links

Resource Links

United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction – Standard Terminology. Download PDF version of the latest terminology in teh Disaster Reduction Field compiled by the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

Southern African Links
South African National Disaster Management Centre
University of the Free State, Disaster Risk Management Training and Education Centre for Africa (DiMTEC)
South African Red Cross
Hot Links
Cranfield Disaster Management Centre (UK)
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) Secretariat
(formerly known as: International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) Secretariat)
The Disaster News Network
The Disaster Center
The “Earth Alert” Home Page from the Discovery Channel
Yahoo Disaster Links
Doctors Without Borders
The International Salvation Army

International Organisations
Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC)
Asian Disaster Reduction Centre
Pacific Disaster Management Centre (PDMC)
Emergency Management Australian (EMA)
Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness (CCEP)
Canadian Emergency Preparedness Association (CEPA)
Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (Cdera)
Center Of Excellence In Disaster Management And Humanitarian Assistance
Centre for Disaster Studies, James Cook University
Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters
Centro de Coordinacion Para la Prevencion de Desastres Naturales en America Central (CEPREDENAC)
Disaster Prevention Research Institute (Japan)
Disaster Recovery Information Exchange (DRIE)
Earthquake Hazard Centre
European Centre for Disaster Medicine
European commission, european community humanitarian office (ECHO)
Global Fire Monitoring Centre (GFMC)
Global Volcanism Program
Green Cross UK, Kingston University
Humanitarian Policy Group
International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI)
International Association of Wildland Fire
International Centre for Disaster-Mitigation Engineering (INCEDE)
International Civil Defence Organisation (ICDO
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) and Red Crescent Societies
International Tsunami Information Centre (ITIC)
Katastrophenforschungsstelle (Disaster Research Unit)
Macquarie University, Natural Hazards Research Centre
Mapfre Re, Compania de Reaseguros
Mass Emergencies Project
Middlesex University, Flood Hazard Research Centre (FHRC)
Natural Hazards Research Centre
Network for Social Studies on Disaster Prevention in Latin America (LA RED)
Organisation of American States (OAS)
Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Humantarian Policy Group
Pacific Disaster Center (PDC)
Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Relief Coordination Program
REDR (Non-governmental organisation of engineers and other professionals involved in disaster relief)
Research Centre for Natural Disasters, Gadjah Mada University
Regional Centre for Seismology for South America
The Environmental Emergency Response System
Tsunami Society
United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Health Intelligence Network for Advanced Contigency Planning (HINAP)
World Meteorological organisation (WMO)
University College London, Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre
University of East Anglia, Climatic Research Unit
University of Geneva, Natural Hazards Mitigation Group
University of Oxford, Environmental Change Unit
University of Western Ontario, Natural Hazards Institute
World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM)
World Bank Disaster Management Facility
Latin American and the Caribbean Region (Disaster Management Group)
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
The Institute for Business and Home Safety
The Virtual Forum for Emergency Management Professionals (EMForum)
The Center of Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance
The Community Preparedness Website Project
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
International Association of Emergency Managers
The National Emergency Management Association
The National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue (NI/USR)
The California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES)
The University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service (CES)
Natural Hazards Mitigation
Natural Disaster Reference Database
After Disaster
Idealist – Actions without borders programme
Center for Hazards Research, California State University – Chico
Center for Public Health and Disaster Relief, University of California – Los Angeles
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)
George Perkins Marsh Institute, Center for Technology, Environment, and Development (CENTED), Clark University
Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center (HRRC), Texas University
Hazards Research Laboratory (HRL), University of South Carolina
International Hurricane Center, Florida International University
Institute for Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Management, George Washington University
Mid-America Earthquake Center (MAE), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER), State University of New York at Buffalo
National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering (NISEE), University of California Berkeley
Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center (NHRAIC), University of Colorado – Boulder
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER), University of California – Berkeley
Social Research Group, Millersville University
Southern California Earthquake Center
Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center, University of Pennsylvania
National Earthquake Information Center: Earthquake FAQ
The Savage Earth by PBS
CBS News Disaster Links
Earthquake Information Network
Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership Virual Forum
EQE International
Natural Hazards Data Resources Directory
OES Earthquake Project
RockIT (For Internal DRC Staff Use Only)
GIS Frequently Asked Questions
The GIS Portal
Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI), University of Memphis




Resource Links    
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction – Standard Terminology.  Download PDF versionof the latest terminology in teh Disaster Reduction Field compiled by the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Southern African Links
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International Organisations