“The delegates noted the continued and increasing number of deaths experienced around the world due to increased disasters of all kinds, and believing that the Institute should continue to encourage all practitioners, from every field participating in the reduction of disaster risk, to intensify their efforts to creating a disaster free society.
The delegates wish to express their sincere condolences and sympathy to all who have been negatively affected by major incidents and disasters which have caused death, injury and destruction.
They extend their appreciation to the Disaster Management Institute of Southern Africa for arranging another conference at which information transfer and learning occurred.
They note that without the efforts of the Disaster Management Institute of Southern Africa they as practitioners would be less capacitated to reduce the disaster risk of communities most at risk.
They commend the efforts of all agencies, government, provincial, municipal, non-governmental agencies and stakeholders who, through constant effort and persistence, are making positive inputs into reducing disaster risk.
They note the call at the National Disaster Management Centre’s Indaba to have the function correctly placed at all spheres of government and strongly urge the National Disaster Management Centre to work towards the achievement of this objective.
The delegates appeal to all government agencies to implement a system of co-operative governance in order to ensure effective implementation of Disaster Management legislation and in particular District and Local Municipalities to consider all the issues around capacity and responsibility of the function.
The members at the Annual General Meeting of the Disaster Management Institute of Southern Africa express the opinion that;
1. DMISA must make greater strides in ensuring that the Institute is vigorously marketed to Disaster Management practitioners throughout Southern Africa.
2. That Co-operation agreements are concluded with Southern African agencies working in the field of Disaster Management for the transfer of knowledge and skills.
3. That the development of early warning systems, across all fields which are related to reducing disaster risk, are encouraged and that members from these field are invited to share their knowledge with members and conference delegates.
4. That the request by Municipal Councilors for representation on the National Body of DMISA be considered once a written request from SALGA has been received with the clear understanding that the motive for this request is to enable the Municipal Councilors to further support the objectives and activities of DMISA.